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Product Deployment

Product deployment process is implemented in any organization which is looking to replace existing project control systems in a bid to achieve an enterprising solution for work flow consistency. Product deployment is implemented in organizations, which has a strong and dedicated resource base, an SOA or Service Oriented Architecture background and strong IT skills.

Product deployment is usually delivered in phases and deployment service is offered right from the kick off stage of the project to completion and optimized implementation. During the product deployment process, your IT department staffs are trained in a comprehensive manner on the operations and scaling of the system. Functionality and applications are explained and demonstrated to the Internal Power Users.

PKSoft offers the best product deployment services in the industry. Our team of experts will ensure hundred percent fool proof implementation and training of staff. We work in close interaction with your project manager in the process of implementation discovery. We ensure DB views, integrations and extendibility of the product are understood in depth by your team. We also equip your product administrator with knowledge on administering and configuration.

Deployed in stages, our team of experts review every stage for perfection before moving on. As we initiate the product, our focus is on role identification and planning, schedule for the following milestones and resources. This step offers our team an in depth knowledge of our client company’s way of operations as we move on to the next step of installation. Here we focus on setting up the product and installing the infrastructure. Our technical experts here ensure absolutely perfection before our trainers take over in providing a comprehensive training to your staff on the functionalities of the product. Our experts provide advanced training on business applications and education related to the product.

PKSoft carries its reliability and assurance further by providing an ongoing mentorship right through the deployment process. If you are looking to deploy enterprise web application, just hand over the responsibility to us and we will take over from there. Our experienced technical experts will create the most powerful diverse landscaped software that is web based. We offer our services to customize, configure, integrate and implement a range of applications, services, tools, ecommerce products, third party internet products and shopping carts.

We are here to also help you with integrating your financial software to a CRM service online. Our expert engineers help clients customize the design and UI depending on your specific needs. We ensure there is absolutely no compromise on information security as we seamlessly integrate third party tools.

This is not all. All our product deployment is supported to help clients achieve their objectives in IT strategies integration. Your system is sure to benefit from our value added twenty four hour maintenance services.

Our preventive maintenance team acts promptly with service pack installations and providing patch updates and virus updates. You can be confident of excellent data protection with backup procedures. For all your product deployment services, look no further. PKSoft is at your service.

Why PkSoft ?

We constantly keep improving our processes, people, standards and services in order to enhance customer satisfaction.

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