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Software Upgrades

One of the most important aspects of a business is constant upgrading and content archiving. During this process, it is vital to have a reliable and continuous access to your software. Use PKSoft for your software upgrade requirements in order to stay completely focussed on your business. You do not have to feel apprehensive about losing automation, integration points and features. We ensure professional and expert service which eliminates all your concerns.

With the help of our rich expertise, we provide innovative strategies that are tailored to meet your specific needs. We ensure optimum user support, low risk services and timely delivery. Our prices are highly competitive and ensure they fit within your budget.

PKSoft upgrade services offer excellent upgrade services including deployments of productivity desktop applications that are customized. These include preserving legacy deployment’s customized elements, training and support. Our professional team consists of experts from various fields such as graphic formats, spreadsheet and word processing. They have a rich experience working with hundreds of industry formats, proprietary customizations, customer data and international operations. We also install patches and fixes if necessary.

In the rare eventuality that our team encounters any problem during system upgrade, our team of engineers will be there to provide an immediate solution. Software upgrade is not an easy process. It involves customization of macros and templates, integration of technology and deployment models that require attention of experts. Our team of experts is here to offer you a combination of customized strategies for environment customization levels and content classes.

Through a comprehensive discovery process, our software upgrade team identifies your exact requirements. Our team also surveys users to analyze and understand their needs and uses specialized tools to avail of a snapshot of critical content in the environment in order to conduct an in depth analysis.

After development, the plan is executed with precision by our experts you can confidently rely on. We ensure smooth and timely delivery of system upgrade eliminating any challenges posed by undue delays due to unexpected pitfalls with the help of our highly experienced professionals.

We also keep in mind the most important user support strategy that is essential for a seamless experience both during and after the upgrade. Our professionals will train your staff to understand the upgrade process in order to continue monitoring for a smooth and hassle free functioning. We equip them with knowledge of advanced features that are incorporated with the upgrade software. Of course, we are always available for assistance and support any time.

Rejuvenate your legacy software with our tailored reengineering and upgrade services. Reinforce your IT potential and protect your investment. At PKSoft we help you make crisp and clear decisions based on priorities for your IT solutions. Just contact us for any short or long term request for software change and enhancement. We help you stay compatible with the latest state of art emerging network equipment and technologies.

For a smooth transition in your software upgrade process, contact us. We are eager to provide you with a reliable and professional service which categorically eliminates any undue stress or worries.

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We constantly keep improving our processes, people, standards and services in order to enhance customer satisfaction.

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